Person spraying fabric with resolve to clean it

Get Your Cushions Summer-Ready: A Guide to Cleaning Sunbrella Fabric

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So, you swiped right and dove headfirst into some summer loving with Yardbird. Last summer was unforgettable but the long winter has left you doubting if our high-quality promise and unbeatable prices were too good to be true.

Just like your best friend, we’re here to remind you that Sunbrella® hasn’t done anything to lose your trust and just wants you to feel comfortable, also, you have commitment issues.

Sometimes it just takes a little elbow grease to keep the spark alive. Don't worry, this isn't much of a commitment, we simply recommend some pre-summer lovin’. 

Follow these five easy steps to eliminate spills, dirt, & debris like a pro:

  1. Shake it off: Let your cushion covers know that you’re ready to recommit by showing dirt & debris who's in charge. Use a soft-bristled brush to wipe away those pesky particles – they’ll appreciate the effort.
  2. Feeling Bubbly: Mixing lukewarm water and a quarter cup mild soap makes for a true power couple. If you have a specific spill/stain, check out this chart from Sunbrella® to find your perfect match.
  3. Tender Love: A soft cloth or microfiber cloth can be used to blot or absorb stains left by spills or debris. When cleaning the cushion, use a soft bristle brush and clean the fabric seam-to-seam.
  4. Rinse & Renew: Make sure you rinse your cushions thoroughly with clean water to get rid of all the soap residue. You can use a hose or a bucket, but ensure that every trace of soap residue is eliminated, leaving behind a fresh and renewed foundation.
  5. Don't play games: Give your cushions the space they need to fully air-dry. They'll let you know when they're ready. Resist the temptation to use the dryer as a quick fix, as it can compromise the longevity of this special relationship and may even lead to a brutal breakup.

If you need any more relationship care tips, please refer to Sunbrella's cleaning guide or reach out to our customer service! They are always here for you. Well at least Monday - Friday: 9AM - 5PM CST and Saturday - Sunday: 9AM - 4PM CST.

How to get your tough stains out

1 comment

Thank you for the helpful tips. I store my cushion in the garage in silk bags. they are perfect no refresh needed

lisa m

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